Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Cras nibh. In posuere, felis ut sollicitudin cursus, elit nibh vehicula dolor, dictum hendrerit lacus dolor vitae urna. In congue luctus felis. Aenean et nunc. Integer laoreet laoreet nulla. Donec ac nisi et nisl feugiat viverra. Integer luctus rutrum dolor. Phasellus varius ligula convallis dolor. Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut hendrerit commodo velit. Nullam ultricies tristique dolor. Donec ac orci nec quam eleifend placerat. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aenean vel massa ut velit dictum tempus. Sed et arcu. Pellentesque imperdiet ultricies lacus. Donec a nisl. Vestibulum ultrices ipsum.

frequently asked questions

Online Payment

At Bibabath you can safely pay with iDEAL, Paypal, MasterCard/Eurocard and Visa.
You can choose which online payment method you wish to count: iDEAL, Paypal or by credit card (Eurocard, MasterCard or VISA).
For these (online) payments no extra charges are made.
Because you always Pay with iDEAL, Paypal or an credit card (Eurocard, MasterCard or Visa pays and the online authorization is given (the payment is immediately approved by the credit card company or through your own bank) we know that the order at Mendes Onlineshoes certainly is paid.
Every order is shipped after payment.

a hole in the bath bag

Holes in bath bags can always arise. We assume that holes which have arisen after bath bag into use, use damage and not covered by the warranty.
Cavities are easy to repair our tire repair. This allows you to iron on the outside (the textile side) with the aid of an iron (position synthetic) on the bath bag.
Holes in the soil will arise almost no effect on the use, by the pressure of the water will not leak under the bath water bag and it is still used as it was in new condition.



the size of the bath

The sizes which we specify concern about the sizes of the total bath in water-filled state.
The bath will bag when filled with water is always slightly below the frame belling. This is the bath bag angled slightly inward so the water will not drain easily slosh.
The measure is thus explicitly not only the size of the frame

to what weight children can use the bath

There is no maximum weight. The weight of water (at 100 liters is that all of 100 kg) and child (ren) resting entirely on the ground.

how do I choose the right bag for bath adjustable BiBaBad

The bath bags which are equipped with straps with buttons to adjust the adjustable baths of the type for 2012, these baths have round tubes. This was one universal size.
The bath type bags 1260/1270 and 1280 are for the adjustable baths of 2012 and these pools have oval tubes. The size s depending on the size of the frame.

the bad bag leaks at the stitched edge

The frame shall be installed such that the bath bag height (depth) is of about 40 cm.
The frame is too low it will automatically install the bath shallower pocket. The consequence of this is that the bad bag at the seam where the band is stitched on the bag bath will start to leak.
At the place where the strap on the bag is stitched bath tub is not waterproof bag. When you set up the frame will not automatically waterddichte edge level higher.
If you are sure that the bath bag about 40 cm height (depth) is set, you can fill the tub enough without this will leak.







international shipping

For all international shipments we charge 12,50€ as a contribution in freight costs



de twee delen van de afvoer klikken niet in elkaar

Bijna altijd wordt het loslaten van de twee delen van de afvoer veroorzaakt doordat het doek scheef zit of dat het afvoergat niet rond is geknipt maar rafelig.
Als je het doek rondom het verlaagde deel van de afvoer aanbrengt en hierover heen spant ziet het er zo uit:
Als je deze vervolgens in de ring duwt en deze helemaal aandrukt zie je geen doek tussen de twee delen uitkomen en sluiten deze aan de onderzijde helemaal aan:
De twee tandjes van het onderste deel grijpen dan helemaal in het bovenste deel.